Sean Pratt Presents His Tattoos, Fans Zoom In On Something Else
When you’re a good looking reality TV star like Sean Pratt, and your fans are used to certain, ehm, assets being visible in your photos – then that’s what they’re going to focus on. So they did.
Sean Pratt is an ex-stripper, ex naked butler, ex MTV’s Ex On The Beach star. These days, he’s also a model who often puts his bulge on display, and sometimes he even reveals his peachy bum on the beach.
On a recent Instagram post, Sean was talking about gaps. On his leg. Something about tattoos (yes, he has a lot of them). But when you put your thighs on display, you know what else is visible?
As in, VPL. Visible Penis Line. We mean… this:
Naturally, the comments section was filled with emojis of eggplants. We wonder why.
Just to make it clear – we’re not complaining. At all.
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Author: GayBuzzer Staff