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GAY TIMES and Casamigos celebrate Pride in London at rooftop party

LGBTQ+ stars came out to celebrate Pride at Yasmin Soho on the rooftop of 1Warwick

Photography by Sofi Adams

GAY TIMES teamed up with Casamigos to hold their annual Casa Pride party in London.

Taking place at Yasmin Soho on the rooftop of 1Warwick, the party coincided with Pride in London which saw over 1 million people take to the streets to watch this year’s parade.

Cat Burns, Munroe Bergdorf, Vincint, Poppy Ajudha, the cast of I Kissed A Girl, and Reece King were among some of the guests at the special celebration on Saturday 29 June.

Guests were treated to Margarita and Paloma cocktails courtesy of Casamigos tequila, as well as DJ sets from Mars Montana, a Mimi’s club night takeover featuring Drag Race UK’s Crystal, and a set from Jonjo Jury.

Drag Race UK’s A’Whora, Heartstopper stars Tobie Donovan and Bel Priestley, Radio 1 DJ Dean McCullough were also in attendance at the rooftop celebrations.

Other guests included footballer Jake Williamson, Olympic diver Matty Lee, and Drag Race UK star Le Fil, and X Factor winner Matt Terry.

See a round-up of pictures from the day below:

Left: Heartstopper star Bel Priestley | Right: Drag Race UK queen Crystal

Left: Chezablonde, Munroe Bergdorf & Canbell Kenneford | Right: Joel Mignott

Left: Jonjo Jury | Right: Cat Burns and Nxdia

Left: Poppy Ajudha | Right: Reece King

Left: Jaguar and Lleo | Right: Patrick Wilson

Left: Ricardo on the DJ decks | Right: I Kissed A Girl star Eva Adamson and friends

Left: I Kissed A Girl star Amy Spalding & friend | Right: Mars Montana

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