Articles Bel Priestley Casa Pride casamigos Cat Burns. Culture I Kissed A Girl Life Munroe Bergdorf News Pride in London Reece King Tobie Donovan

GAY TIMES and Casamigos celebrate Pride in London at rooftop party

LGBTQ+ stars came out to celebrate Pride at Yasmin Soho on the rooftop of 1Warwick Photography by Sofi Adams GAY TIMES teamed up with Casamigos to hold their annual Casa Pride party in London. Taking place at Yasmin Soho on the rooftop of 1Warwick, the party coincided with Pride in London which saw over 1 million people take to the streets to watch this year’s parade. Cat Burns, Munroe Bergdorf, Vincint, Poppy Ajudha, the cast of I Kissed A Girl, and Reece King were among some of the guests at the special…

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Articles Corinna Brown Culture Heartstopper Joe Locke Kit Connor Kizzy Edgell LGBTQ+ News LGBTQ+ TV series News Television Tobie Donovan Will Gao Yasmin Finney

Heartstopper: Netflix shares adorable season 2 blooper reel

Netflix has released a hilarious new blooper reel for Heartstopper season 2.  Back in August, fans were finally treated to the highly anticipated second season of the beloved series.  In the new batch of episodes, Charlie (Locke) and Nick (Kit Connor) “navigate their new relationship” and the pressures of coming out to friends and family. Tara (Corinna Brown) and Darcy (Kizzy Edgell) endure some “unforeseen challenges,” which stem from the latter’s mysterious family life. Tao (William Gao) and Elle (Yasmin Finney) cautiously work out if they can be more than…

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