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GAY TIMES partners with Faber Members for an evening of revolutionary queer storytelling

GAY TIMES has teamed up with Faber Members for a special Pride celebration which will include readings from authors Jason Okundaye, Oisín McKenna and Joelle Taylor. Summer is here there’s no better way to spend a sweltering London evening than celebrating queer love with a night of readings, music, film and drinks at Faber HQ, The Bindery on Hatton Garden. The event will begin with readings by Oisín McKenna from his acclaimed debut novel Evenings and Weekends and poet Joelle Taylor from her award-winning collection, C+nto & Othered Poems, Orwell…

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Articles Author Author interview Black LGBTQ+ history Culture Jason Okundaye LGBTQ+ History Month LGBTQIA+ books News Originals

Jason Okundaye’s history of Black gay life is a quiet revelation

Jason Okundaye on the unearthing of Black British queer history, the decline of brick-and-mortar LGBTQIA+ spaces and how Revolutionary Acts explores the quiet revolutions of the everyday.  WORDS BY OTAMERE GUOBADIA HEADER DESIGN BY YOSEF PHELAN “More than anything, this book has been a love letter to these men, founded on a curiosity and appetite to know about people’s lives,” Jason Okundaye writes in the final pages of his outstanding debut, Revolutionary Acts. Indeed it is this curiosity and appetite, that steers Okundaye’s vivid and vital slice of Black gay…

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