Articles Bel Priestley Casa Pride casamigos Cat Burns. Culture I Kissed A Girl Life Munroe Bergdorf News Pride in London Reece King Tobie Donovan

GAY TIMES and Casamigos celebrate Pride in London at rooftop party

LGBTQ+ stars came out to celebrate Pride at Yasmin Soho on the rooftop of 1Warwick Photography by Sofi Adams GAY TIMES teamed up with Casamigos to hold their annual Casa Pride party in London. Taking place at Yasmin Soho on the rooftop of 1Warwick, the party coincided with Pride in London which saw over 1 million people take to the streets to watch this year’s parade. Cat Burns, Munroe Bergdorf, Vincint, Poppy Ajudha, the cast of I Kissed A Girl, and Reece King were among some of the guests at the special…

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Articles Bel Priestley Culture Heartstopper LGBTQ+ actor LGBTQ+ News Life News Television TikTok Trans Actor Trans news Trans Rights

Heartstopper star Bel Priestley wants to be the “best role model” she can for trans youth

Bel Priestley has opened up about her coming out story with hopes of inspiring other trans youth.  Since 2019, the young trans talent has cultivated a passionate fanbase on social media due to her candid and lighthearted videos about her gender identity, beauty and fashion.  In August 2023, Priestley gained more recognition when she made her acting debut as Naomi on Netflix’s wholesome coming-of-age dramedy Heartstopper.  While her star continues to rise within the industry, it hasn’t always been the easiest ride for the emerging star.  In a recent op-ed…

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